Simplicity Organizers

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Recycling Right in Mecklenburg County

by Laurie Martin Recycling has proven to be an important part of our city.  It creates jobs, helps protect the environment, reduces pollution, and saves on landfill space. However, the market demands have changed over the years which is why there has been some confusion on what can and can’t be recycled here in Mecklenburg

7 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Trash Day

T’was the night before trash day And all through the house The family worked together To throw it all out.. 1. Get your family involved.  Brainstorm and create a list with your family of what they think should  be done the night before trash day.  Weekly maintenance will significantly decrease the amount of clutter and stress in your

10 Ways to Motivate Yourself to get Organized

Organizing does not need to feel like a chore. There is a lot of creative thinking involved in finding a system that works and discovering the impact of organization will keep you motivated! Organizing is not just about making a space look pretty, the focus should be creating a functional system that works for you. Organizing

Organizing Your Command Center

The Command Center is the hub of all activity.  This is where schedules are planned, bills are paid, schoolwork is reviewed, coupons are clipped, and magazines are stacked.  With so many tasks taking place in one small area, piles can grow quickly. It is vital that your command center work efficiently in order for you

The Intentionality Shift

Hop on the bandwagon to limit the source of waste! The elephant in the room is that there needs to be a shift in the thinking on consumption. We are consumer nation and have been for a while and so we now are in a bit of a catch-22. The economic health of the nation

Summer Organizing Suggestions

1. Write it down!  Don’t try to keep all those camp dates, doctor appointments and overnight packing lists straight in you head – get them out and write them down!  We like to call this a brain dump.  Plan your entire summer as early as you can-adding important dates and reminders to your master calendar.  

Read a Book, Give a Book 2019

It all started with an idea to celebrate my mom’s birthday in 2014. My mom has a passion for teaching and has served as a reading teacher for Title I schools for the past 20 years in Greensboro, NC, including Vandalia Elementary. I knew the gift that would mean the most to her would be

E-Waste Recycling w/All Green

By Carol Jegou Who really knows what e-waste is or how to dispose of it safely? We all have it in our homes and offices but often struggle to securely discard it. At All Green Recycling, we take any type of e-waste — computers, tablets, cell phones, printers, cable boxes, DVRs, landline phones — and

Charlotte Parenting Solutions

Simplicity Organizers Interviews Wendy Petricoff of Charlotte Parenting Solutions. What is Charlotte Parenting Solutions? Charlotte Parenting Solutions is a business created to help support parents through the journey of parenthood. My passion is making parents’ lives easier by teaching them how to use the best tools available for their family. I help parents get on the

Garage Organization Day With the Bremers

Part of Simplicity’s mission is to serve the Charlotte community with our gift of organization. A few months ago at the ChariTea fundraiser event for the Charlotte Rescue Mission, Sharon Bremer mentioned that she really needed our services.  When asked what area of her home needed our services the most, she quickly said her garage.

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